Wednesday, 23 March 2016

GATE 2014 Topper Interview- Aditya Gusain (AIR 5, Biotechnology)

GATE 2014 Topper Interview- Aditya Gusain (AIR 5, Biotechnology)

GATE 2014 Topper Interview- Aditya Gusain  who secured an AIR 5 in Biotechnology in GATE 2014 speaks about his preparation efforts and the strategies that aided in his success in qualifying in the GATE exam with flying colours. Having completed B.Tech in
Biotechnology, Aditya believes that hard work and planned preparation is the success mantra behind his success in GATE 2014. Read on to know the GATE preparation strategies and guidelines for success in GATE 2015…

Careers360: Tell us something about yourself; where have you done your engineering from and in which branch?
Aditya Gusain: I did my B.Tech in Biotechnology from College of Biotechnology,Sardar vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology,Meerut.
Careers360:  what was the GATE Paper you appeared in? What was the rank you scored?
Aditya Gusain:  I appeared for GATE 2014 in Biotechnology. I scored an All India Rank of 5 in GATE 2014.
Careers360: Were you decided about appearing for GATE from your undergraduation days or did the idea come in the final year?
Aditya Gusain: From the early days of my undergraduation, I have been seeing my seniors preparing for GATE exam and getting into IITs thereby opening better job opportunities for them. That is what made me decide to attempt GATE and get better opportunities.
Careers360:  When did you start your GATE preparation? Any schedule that you have followed?
Aditya Gusain: I started my GATE preparations after my third year of engineering. I first divided the entire syllabus into sections and then covered it part by part. While covering every part, I also started solving problems related to the topic to get an idea about the type of questions and topics often asked in GATE exam. It was also a check on the syllabus I had covered.
Careers360: How many hours did you put in per day and how did you manage it along with your engineering studies?
Aditya Gusain:  I feel 4-5 hours is sufficient for GATE Preparation on a daily basis but being regular with the study is extremely important.
Careers360:  Can you share any preparation strategies with our readers? How to schedule study time and make timetables?
Aditya Gusain: I belive each person has his own way of learning and understanding. My strategy was first to be regular in my studies and preparation while being honest to myself.I covered the whole syllabus in parts starting by covering important topics from different subjects in Biotechnology along with regular practice of engineering mathematics and general aptitude.
Scheduling your time is really important because the lack of proper management may leave you confused about the GATE exam  with doubts like which topics to cover  and what is not relevant for GATE exam.I would advise to always study 2-3 subjects side by side.This would maintain your pace in covering the entire syllabus.
One month before GATE should be only for solving questions, mock tests. During this time, it is better to start revision because trying to start any new subject will just be a waste of your time.Just try to practice as many questions as you can. Joining test series especially online test series like atGateForum will really help.
Careers360: Name some important Topics that you feel are a must read for any student attempting GATE exam?
Aditya Gusain: Some important topics asked frequently in GATE are Bioprocess Engineering, Genetics, ioinformatics and Mathematics. These topics carry heavy weightage. The other important thing to take care of is the numerical type questions. I would advise to solve as many as numerical based problems in different subjects as possible to get a grip on tackling them.
Careers360:  What is your opinion about coaching? Is it necessary?  If yes, how has it helped you?
Aditya Gusain: I feel coaching is not that important because your success always depends how sincere and honest you are to yourself. If you are confused about how to study and cover the syllabus then coaching classes are good as they may give you a direction and guidance.
Careers360:  Since all the GATE exams are online now, how mandatory is it for students to practice online and how frequently?
Aditya Gusain: It is really to important to to practice online for GATE now as all exams are online. I joined the test series at GateForum and this helped me to get a regular check on how my preparations were going on and what more was needed to better it.
Time management is the most important factor in any exam and a test series gives you an idea on how to maintain a pace throughout the exam. Solving around 30-40 tests before GATE will prepare you completely to face the GATE exam without any fear.
Careers360: How important do you feel mock tests are and why? Is it true that if one solves the previous year question papers, there is a good chance of cracking the exam successfully?
Aditya Gusain:  If one sticks only to reading theoretical parts of subjects, cracking GATE will be very difficult. As compared to the earlier years, GATE 2014 consisted of mostly numerical type questions. The GATE Exam Pattern is changing year after year so it is very difficult to predict which topics are most important. Solving mock tests give an idea of the type of questions that could be asked.Exposure to different kinds of problems will really help to perform better in the GATE exam.

Click here to download the Previous year GATE Question Papers

Careers360: Which books did you follow for GATE preparation?
Aditya Gusain:  Some of the books I studied are:
  • Principle of Bioprocess Engineering –P.Doran,
  • Fundamentals of Biochemistry-Lehninger,
  • Biotechnology-Pranav Kumar,
  • Immunology –Kuby
Careers360:  Please suggest time management strategies for GATE preparation?
Aditya Gusain:  To score well and secure a good rank, time management is extremely essential and this strategy cannot be taught to anyone. I feel it all depends on how important qualifying in GATE is for you.
I would advise to avoid wastage of time just before GATE exam in frivolous activites because preparation for GATE can also be fun.So try to enjoy it and your will find success.
Careers360: Any message for the future aspirants?
Aditya Gusain: Never panic. GATE exam is very easy if you are serious about it and work hard for it. Remember only hardwork pays, so just study and that too with fun .Never think what is going to happen after that. This attitude is what has really helped me to secure a good rank.You can succeed too if you belive and work for it!

Careers360 thanks Aditya Gusain for his valuable tips and techniques for GATE Preparation.
With less than four months for the GATE exam to start, Careers360 wishes all the GATE aspirants all success with their Preparation!

Must Read for GATE 2015 Preparation:

Expert Opinion & Guidelines:

Topper Preparation Tips & Techniques:

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